nasa's march madness on demand / by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

The space shuttle Endeavor recently returned to earth after a 16-day stint, in which, among other things, astronauts used a caulk gun to fix holes in the sides of the flying rock. The holes were caused by micro-meteoroid orbiting debris, or MMOD, as the astronauts like to say.

Houston, we have a problem say NCAA officials. MMOD is a trademarked logo and stands for March Madness on Demand - the internet broadcasts of the tourney that the NCAA is hoping will lure more viewers.

This acrimonious approach to acronymns quickly forced NASA to develop a new lingo. Henceforth, holes in the shuttle skin will be called, a DING, dang infernal nugget of God.

Image Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett