Republican primary

mike huckabee and the nra take aim at a black man by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Just when you thought Huckleberry Hound Dog couldn't get any dumber. Here he is preaching to the NRA about morality, the constitution, and a black man who's running for President having to avoid getting shot.

I only have one thing to say to Huckleberry. "Down on your knees and Pray MERCY. NOW!" OH. And being Vice-President. Not this time, doufus.

the reversible ron paul landscape by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Additional things to do with Ron Paul signs left by the side of the road.
This is a reversible sign. We've transformed the front, informed by the landscape just outside of Denver, a place I hope to be come August, into a mountainous terrain. This is where the only hopeful convention action will be during the summer.

The Republican convention, to be held this year in Minneapolis, will have all the drama of lunchtime at the geriatric center. The best you can hope for, is that at some point, a food fight erupts in the cafeteria or that Cheney's heart has to be re-started during one of his speeches - and he carries on without missing a line. The Republican view of the environment has been as just another product to be bought and sold - pretty much they way they view everything else.

Images: top: front of Reversible Ron Paul Landscape.
middle: Denver International Airport
bottom: back of Reversible Ron Paul Landscape
Reversible Ron Paul Landscape, acrylic on found object, 2008, m.o.i., 12" x 24"
m.o.i: road side shelter for libertarians
m.o.i.: ron paul enters the twilight zone
m.o.i.: belief change
m.o.i.: the caucus badge

fred thompson selected as vice-president by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Fred Thompson has decided to remain in politics after all. Citing his vast public and political experience, it was announced today by McCain staffers that Thompson has been selected to be "the next Vice-President of the United States." Mr. Thompson is expected to assume these duties next January as season 8 of the tv drama 24 begins on a Fox network near you.

huckleberry conceeds to mcgruff by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

It was a dogfight. Not a very good one. But still a fight. Regardless I'll miss the 'dawg. Even if he never caught a rabbit, or the crime-stopper, he did catch Nitt.

Today McGruff heads to the White House to meet with Old Guard and Top Dogs where he, McGruff, is expected to get a bag of doggie treats and obedience lessons on how to behave like a GOP candidate in post-apocalyptic America. Once completed, he should be able to sit, bark-on-command, and cry wolf with the best of them, although it's likely he'll also take a moment to pause and urinate on a tree just to show everyone he's still man enough for the job.

Pray Mercy! by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Jesus would find the Republican President candidates boring as hell and not very Christian.
Check out their stupidity when you have nothing else to do.

And their hair! What's with that Chip Douglas, my-three-sons, part that both the candidates and the reporters wear? You know there's a closet Uncle Charlie in all their closets. How else did McCain survive the pits of Hanoi Hilton for 5 years? And so what if he did? What he went through on the USS Forestal would made anyone rethink their life.

Sam Brownback thinks 90 minutes is a long time. His wife appeared a bit disappointed.

At least Rudy Guliani is likely to have sex with his wife after this event. The rest of them, yeeechhhh a scary, scary, scary thought - like your parents, you know they did it, how else to explain your existence, but how? Did they experiment? Ever? How about later in life? Experiment then? If Republicans can't dance, then how do they talk about sex? They must have sex, there's certainly enough of them. Do they consider praying forgiveness equivalent to a frank discussion about the topic?

Now this would liven up the Republicans. Nancy Reagen and Mitt Romney. Doesn't he need another wife? Even better. Mitt + Nancy + Hillary. Talk about coalition building. In the strictest Mormon sense of course.
Please moi implores you. Please no, have mercy! Moi knows you mean well. Moi loves the horses, the Old Kentucky Home, the Old Kentucky Bourbon, but do not transfer VT onto Barbarbo. Please no. Mercy. No. Please. No. Please. I beg of you.

Badge. Duck tape on recycled yogurt lid. ~2" x ~3". definitely post-911. guessing 2002. Will check the flow chart for art historians.