mass murder

targets by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Geez. Wake up this morning to my coffee, oatmeal, and daily dose of the NYTimes only to find that someone opened fire at a shopping center in Kansas City yesterday afternoon. Moi, who spent much of the beautiful spring (almost summer-like) day paddling on the Kansas River and who has no tv was oblivious to the mall mayhem happening in the city the day before. Apparently some middle-aged-white-guy with-a-gripe, mysteriously drawn to the Target logo, went psycho and started killing folks. I know there's the very occasional nutty South Korean out there, but if we want to stop these things from happening we really have to make it much more difficult for middle-aged-white-guys with-a-gripe to get guns because they ALL have anger management issues. Anger management issues and loaded weapons are not a safe mix! When are we going to learn this? The other option is to continue to pump the airwaves full of televised sports because for the most part this appears to keep the middle-aged-white-guy with-a-gripe safely esconsced on the couches where they belong and away from the rest of humanity.