border wars / by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Obama's win in the largely educated state of Oregon coupled with his recent thumpings in the less-than-average-educated Appalachian states indicates that the November election will likely return to those elections of yore. Do you want this race to be about ideas or about emotions? As effective as the Clinton campaign has been of late in pulling at the heart strings of the ignorant, they have nothing on the Republican machine of world domination. The Republican mantra will begin to sound like thrashings from the bully pulpit of a hell-fire-and-brimstone country preacher in short order. Essentially it will come down to "what do you want to do? Think for yourself. Or watch American Idol." If only we could text message our vote for the Presidency.

And if you think dumb doesn't matter in the debate, then think again. Barack Obama was wearing a flag lapel pin last night during his speech in Iowa. What does that have to do with anything other than pandering to the lowest common demoninator?