flow chart for a standing eight count / by Warrior Ant Press Worldwide Anthill Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

It's 19 minutes after the hour, and now it's time for our daily feature The Astrological Hour. A quick reminder these reports are not intended to foster belief in astrology, but merely to support people who cannot take responsibility for their own lives.
The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977) directed by John Landis.

Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of fuzzy math is approaching that of the Bush administration. Today she claimed victory on the laurels of winning the most popular votes in the primaries. The problem lies in the fact that she hasn't. Her new math only works if you count the votes of those her campaign already agreed wouldn't count and where her rival did not compete and wasn't even on the ballot. And she claimed victory based upon winning the most electoral votes. Ummmm. Electoral votes? That's the general election. In the primary, it delegates. Who has 2025 delegates. That's it. Nothing else matters. She got the electoral vote idea from a Karl Rove and Company memo obtained by ABC news that shows her competing well against John McCain in the general election. So it's a hypothetical based on 6 months before the election. Six months ago, HRC thought she'd be the nominee. My how times change. And that Karl Rove guy, he of the ill-fitted suit, always had the best interests of the Democratic party at heart. Rove is now an analyst on Fox News where he shares the mantle of impartiality with Bill O'Reilly. We wish them all the best.